

[Dec. 2024] I have acquired the domain which is redirected to this site ( Go for non-profit and open-source! 🚀

[Nov. 2024] I am one of the student lightning talk speakers at the 2024 Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) Research Review. [Event]

[Oct. 2024] My undergraduate thesis "Efficient Channel Estimation in B5G/6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems" (in Chinese) won the Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award of Jiangsu Province!

[Sep. 2024] I have arrived in San Diego, California, USA, and started my Ph.D. journey at UC San Diego (UCSD)! I will be supervised by Professor Xinyu Zhang, and my desk is located at Franklin Antonio Hall (FAH). [LinkedIn Post]

[Jul. 2024] The paper entitled "Local Subdivisional Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted THz MIMO-OFDM Systems" presented at ICTC 2024 is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE] [PDF]

[Jul. 2024] The paper entitled "Efficient Data Transmission With Compressed Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted mmWave MIMO Systems" published by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL) is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE] [PDF]

[Jun. 2024] I will be a Ph.D. student at UC San Diego (UCSD), supervised by Professor Xinyu Zhang!

[Jun. 2024] I graduated from Southeast University (SEU) with a B.E. in Information Engineering with honors in Chien-Shiung Wu College. I was also named as Outstanding Graduates of Jiangsu Province. [CITE MY PAPERS callout in TeX]

[Jun. 2024] My undergraduate thesis "Efficient Channel Estimation in B5G/6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems" (in Chinese) won the Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award of Southeast University!

[Jun. 2024] The paper entitled "Enhancing mmWave Radar Sensing Using a Phased-MIMO Architecture" is presented at ACM MobiSys '24. [Paper] [DOI] [ACM DL] [PDF]

[May 2024] I was named Most Influential Undergraduate Student of Southeast University in 2024 (1st place)!

[Apr. 2024] I made an invited talk about "Art of LaTeX for Thesis Writing" (in Chinese) at the Southeast University Library on April 9. [Slides] [Event Notice] [Series Notice]

[Mar. 2024] The paper entitled "Efficient Data Transmission With Compressed Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted mmWave MIMO Systems" has been accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL). [Paper]

[Mar. 2024] I made a presentation entitled "Auto-generation System for Baseband Circuits" on IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) 75th Anniversary Nanjing Chapter Symposium, which is attended by the IEEE CASS president. [Event Notice]

[Feb. 2024] The paper entitled "Flexible High-Level Synthesis Library for Linear Transformations" published by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II) is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE Xplore] [PDF] [GitHub] [Website]

[Feb. 2024] mmCEsim v0.3.0 is released! [Release] [GitHub] [Website]

[Jan. 2024] The paper entitled "Automatic Timing-Driven Top-Level Hardware Design for Digital Signal Processing" presented at IEEE ASICON 2023 is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE Xplore] [PDF]

[Jan. 2024] I have reached the 2,000 reputation milestone on TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange! [TeX.SX Profile]

[Jan. 2024] mmCEsim v0.2.2 is released! [Release] [GitHub] [Website]

[Jan. 2024] I finished the course project entitled "Dual-Mode PSK Transceiver on SDR With FPGA", which supports packet-based transmission (including header configurations) and BPSK/QPSK demodulation. [GitHub] [Paper]

[Jan. 2024] I made a presentation entitled "FLIP-FLOP: Fast pLan & Implementation of Project, Fast Layout & Optimization of Paper -- Hardware Design Techniques for Fast Paper Output" at the group meeting. Have a look at the slides, which should be very interesting! [Slides]


[Dec. 2023] The Christmas tree website (a bit mathematical and JavaScript) is now live! [Website]

[Dec. 2023] I won the Excellent Academic Paper Award of The 16th National College Students Innovation Annual Meeting in China (20 out of 200). [News in Chinese] [Winning Paper]

Older news was not archived :-)

© Copyright 2022-2025 Wuqiong Zhao