
[Dec. 2024] I have acquired the domain wqzhao.com which is redirected to this site (wqzhao.org). Go for non-profit and open-source! 🚀

[Nov. 2024] I am one of the student lightning talk speakers at the 2024 Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) Research Review. [Event]

[Oct. 2024] My undergraduate thesis "Efficient Channel Estimation in B5G/6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems" (in Chinese) won the Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award of Jiangsu Province!

[Sep. 2024] I have arrived in San Diego, California, USA, and started my Ph.D. journey at UC San Diego (UCSD)! I will be supervised by Professor Xinyu Zhang, and my desk is located at Franklin Antonio Hall (FAH). [LinkedIn Post]

[Jul. 2024] The paper entitled "Local Subdivisional Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted THz MIMO-OFDM Systems" presented at ICTC 2024 is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE] [PDF]

[Jul. 2024] The paper entitled "Efficient Data Transmission With Compressed Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted mmWave MIMO Systems" published by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL) is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE] [PDF]

[Jun. 2024] I graduated from Southeast University (SEU) with a B.E. in Information Engineering with honors in Chien-Shiung Wu College. I was also named as Outstanding Graduates of Jiangsu Province. [CITE MY PAPERS callout in TeX]

[Jun. 2024] My undergraduate thesis "Efficient Channel Estimation in B5G/6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems" (in Chinese) won the Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Award of Southeast University!

[Jun. 2024] The paper entitled "Enhancing mmWave Radar Sensing Using a Phased-MIMO Architecture" is presented at ACM MobiSys '24. [Paper] [DOI] [ACM DL] [PDF]

[May 2024] I was named Most Influential Undergraduate Student of Southeast University in 2024 (1st place)!

[Feb. 2024] The paper entitled "Flexible High-Level Synthesis Library for Linear Transformations" published by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II) is now online at IEEE Xplore. [Paper] [DOI] [IEEE Xplore] [PDF] [GitHub] [Website]

About my Name

I also have a non-official English name Teddy van Jerry (or just Jerry), and have teddy-van-jerry.org redirecting wqzhao.org. I was called "Jerry" due to a random assignment at Grade 1 in the elementary school. I have kept it since then because my favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry, and I love the creativity of Jerry the mouse. "Teddy" is chosen simply because I love teddy bears. I even propose the Ted Programming Language featuring teddy bears (🧸). The middle name "van" does not represent any kind of origin. Actually, I just want to have the same middle name with one of my favorite composers, Ludwig van Beethoven.

Classical Music and Opera

I am a classical music fan and opera enthusiast. My favorite composer is Richard Wagner (Bach and Tchaikovsky also play an important role in my life). I am especially fond of works rich in acoustics with passion and energy, like Musikdrama of Wagner, symphonies with choir of Beethoven and Mahler.

I started practising the violin at 7, and served as the concertmaster of Wuxi Rococo Youth Orchestra. The music education (many thanks to my teacher) plays an indispensable role in shaping my music preference.

Compositions must listen before examinations: The Ring Cycle by Wagner, Symphony No. 9 by Beethoven, and Requiem by Mozart. I am sure these long and complex works will help you to concentrate and relax (maybe excite)!


Journal of Wuqiong Zhao

Visit https://j.wqzhao.org

J. WQZHAO is an open-access journal published online. It includes blog-like sharing from Wuqiong Zhao.

© Copyright 2022-2025 Wuqiong Zhao